Tag - Kai Ko (柯震東)

Li Yifeng and Deng Lun Ready to Make Comebacks

Chinese actors Li Yifeng (李易峰) and Deng Lun (鄧倫) and Taiwanese actor Kai Ko (柯震東) have been blacklisted by the Chinese government due to soliciting prostitution, evading taxes, and substance abuse respectively. After significant setbacks in their careers, the trio are said to be attempting comebacks. In 2022, Li Yifeng was at the top of his career before he was detained by the...

Li Yifeng and Deng Lun Ready to Make Comebacks

Chinese actors Li Yifeng (李易峰) and Deng Lun (鄧倫) and Taiwanese actor Kai Ko (柯震東) have been blacklisted by the Chinese government due to soliciting prostitution, evading taxes, and substance abuse respectively. After significant setbacks in their careers, the trio are said to be attempting comebacks. In 2022, Li Yifeng was at the top of his career before he was detained by the...

Cai Xukun Gets Blacklisted After Abortion Scandal?

Cai Xukun’s (蔡徐坤) image plummeted overnight after the star was revealed to have had a one-night stand with his fan and then demanded her to have an abortion. As the public sentiment turns negative, Cai Xukun Is suspected to be black listed in the entertainment industry and his music and projects were taken off of Douban’s...