Why some people remember their dreams and others don’t

Some people open their eyes and remember their dream perfectly, while for others it's a complete blank. This mysterious difference has intrigued scientists for decades, and is now the focus of a new study published in the journal Communications Psychology. In it, researchers explore the mechanisms that influence dream memory, highlighting the various factors involved. Previous studies had already...

Four weeks’ jail for Singapore woman who hit neighbour with mop, threatened to kill husband in his sleep

SINGAPORE: A woman who hit a neighbour with a mop until its aluminium handle broke into three pieces, and told her own teenage son she was going to kill his father in his sleep, has been sentenced to jail. Jessinta Tan Suat Lin, 50, was sentenced to four weeks’ jail and fined S$4,600 on Tuesday (Feb...

Quickcheck: Can matcha green tea help you fall asleep?

MATCHA, the vibrant green tea powder celebrated in Japan, has become a must-try for many travelers thanks to its rich history and unique, tasty flavour. Recently, it has exploded in popularity, appearing in everything from your favorite local café to the latest influencer posts around the world. But what’s all the buzz about? Recent research suggests that...

35 simple ways to improve your sleep

Singaporeans may be getting more sleep on average, according to this survey by Philips. But almost half of Singaporeans (49 per cent) are still not satisfied with their sleep, with a multitude of factors contributing to their sleeplessness. Dr Lim Li Ling, medical director of the Singapore Neurology & Sleep Centre at Gleneagles Medical Centre, says lack...