Man Breaks MCO To Go Buy His Favourite Food, Police Send Him Home Because It’s Trivial
So the MCO (Movement Control Order) means, besides work and going out to buy NEEDED supplies for home, you are not allowed to leave your house. Which means, you CANNOT go out to buy your “favourite food”.
According to a report by NST, a man in Georgetown got stopped by authorities while on his way to buy his favourite food at a roadblock and was sent straight home. The police chief Assistant Commissioner Soffian Santong stated that he did not specify where he was heading to, only that he was out to satisfy his craving for some food he described as ‘delicious’.

“I advised him not to repeat it (going out for trivial reasons) and told him to go home. We will continue to advise the public to adhere to the MCO. Our roadblocks are up 24 hours and we will monitor the situation closely. Let us do our part and stay at home to break the chain of infection. Let us do our part and stay at home to break the chain of infection”, he said.

For the state of Penang, 99 Army Regiment 505 members have been deployed to assist the police in enforcing the MCO. Soffian said the army and 50 members from the People’s Volunteer Corps (Rela) are to join the 351 policemen. Enforcement teams will also patrol public parks, amongst other places, like Air Itam market where many have been seen to be constantly gathering.
“If it gets worse, we will suggest the army to be deployed there”, said Soffian.
Which means, just stay home la!
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