MOH: Penang, Perlis & Kedah May Be Malaysia’s First ‘Green States’ If No New Cases Found In 14-Days
In some very promising news to come out of the current Covid-19 outbreak in Malaysia, Ministry of Health Director-General Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah has announced that Penang, Perlis and Kedah may be declared as some of the nation’s first ‘green states’, if they no longer present any Covid-19 cases in 14 days, according to Malaysiakini and Malay Mail.

This follows after all three states have reported no new cases after a number of days, which raises the possibility that they could become Malaysia’s first ‘green states’ that are free of Covid-19. However, they continue to be closely monitored, and will only be declared Covid-19 free if they present no new cases. In fact, the Ministry of Health is earmarking these states, with the aim to protect them as part of its exit strategy to contain the virus in Malaysia.
“Although it is true that Kedah, Perlis as well as Penang, for the last couple of days we do not have any cases reported, but what’s more important is that we need to wait for the incubation period of about 14 days before we can say that the area is clean,” said Datuk Dr Noor Hisham.

The 14 days is in reference to Covid-19’s incubation period. And according to the Director-General, this protection of ‘green states’ will extend as far as villages, sub-districts, and districts within the states themselves.
So in order for these states to continue reporting zero Covid-19 cases, we Malaysians have to do our part in abiding by the MCO!
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