Grace Chan Explains Why Hubby Kevin Cheng Refuses To Work In China

Grace Chan Explains Why Hubby Kevin Cheng Refuses To Work In China

When you get older, there are different aspects of life that you have to prioritise. For most people, the main ones are family and work. However, it can be difficult to find a fine line between the two and sacrifices must be made. Still, for actress Grace Chan (陈凯琳) and husband Kevin Cheng (郑嘉颖), the choice is clear.

Grace and Kevin have created a happy little family with their two young sons. They often prioritise their boys in all their activities, and according to Grace, this includes putting them over their work.


The Hong Kong-born Canadian actress has not been active in the entertainment scene for a while. Currently, she’s happy working as an influencer and hosting for TVB Pearl. In fact, Grace just attended an event for a skin spa yesterday (23rd August). However, Grace’s choice is not only for her sake. The actress shared that she now has more time to spend with her family. Indeed, most of her socials revolve around her husband and kids.

For Grace, her biggest longing is to be able to travel with her family again soon. The actress shared that she misses it, especially since the family recently celebrated their wedding anniversary and Kevin’s birthday. “After our marriage, our (anniversary and birthday) celebrations are very simple,” she admitted. “I hope we can go on a trip next year.” Grace added that as her second child arrived during the pandemic, he has not travelled yet. “I hope I can bring him to Thailand, or to Vancouver to visit my brother,” she said.

Kevin, on the other hand, is still developing his career as an actor. However, Grace has stated that he currently does not have any plans to take up work in China. “He is a good father,” she said affectionately as she explained. “Kevin is reluctant to miss (our kids’) growth. Additionally, as the epidemic isn’t over yet, he is afraid the kids might get infected.” Grace however added that Kevin will be returning to work once it is safe.


Well, it’s easy to see that their two children are definitely well-loved! It can’t be easy, having to choose between their job and their family, but Kevin and Grace seem to be doing well so far. Hopefully, they will continue to enjoy peaceful days ahead.

Source: China Press


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