Tag - Blockberry Creative

LOOSSEMBLE Wins Lawsuit And Keeps Rights To Group Name

This is great news! According to multiple legal officials, K-Pop girl group LOOSSEMBLE’s agency, CTD ENM, recently won the lawsuit filed by Blockberry Creative, which petitioned for injuctions, including a ban on performances. Previously, Blockberry filed a civil suit against CTD ENM that they could not engage in activities using the terms equal or similar to “LOONA,” “LOONA ASSEMBLE,”...

Chuu Continues To Flourish With A Packed Schedule Even After Her Removal From LOONA

She’s thriving!   If you follow K-Pop news at all, then you’re likely aware of the ongoing issues between LOONA‘s members and their label, BlockBerry Creative. If you need a refresher on Chuu‘s recent removal from the group and the records that Dispatch revealed between the idol and her former label, you can check out the respective links. Despite the idol’s sudden and harsh removal...

Fans Call Out BlockBerry Creative And MyMusicTaste For Neglecting LOONA’s Health To Extend Tour

Orbits believe that the tour needs to be postponed. Orbits (LOONA fans) are expressing their concerns and calling out BlockBerry Creative and MyMusicTaste for continuing the 2022 LOONA 1st World Tour : [LOONATHEWORLD] despite members continually facing health issues. LOONA kicked off the 2022 LOONA 1st World Tour : [LOONATHEWORLD] on July 31. Prior to the tour, BlockBerry Creative announced that Chuu would be absent from schedules. Orbits were concerned already, especially when a clip of...

Blockberry Creative Announces The Launch Of The Male Version Of LOONA

They’re debuting a boy group.   Blockberry Creative has announced the start of auditions for the male version of LOONA. Through a tweet released in Korean and English on their official Twitter account, Blockberry Creative signaled the start of LOONA’s brother group, beginning with auditions for the group’s members.   https://twitter.com/BBC_blockberry/status/1503717847322841098?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1503717847322841098%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.koreaboo.com%2Fnews%2Fblockberry-creative-announces-launch-male-version-loona%2F   In the image, the surface of the moon can be seen with...