Lee Seung Gi and Jasper Liu are Inseparable Travel Buddies in Netflix Variety Show Twogether

Need a break from watching dramas? Want to travel during these impossible times? Fret not when we have a new fun travel variety show called TWogether to look forward to! Netflix made it possible to have Korean actor and reality show expert Lee Seung Gi (Busted! Season 2) and Taiwanese actor and reality show newbie Jasper Liu (Triad Princess) become instant brothers for...

Lee Seung Gi Stunned By Fans’ Request For Vagabond Season 3

Lee Seung Gi (이승기) made his last and final pitstop for his “Vagabond Voyage” tour in Kuala Lumpur over the weekend. During his Malaysian fan-meeting, the event was divided into 3 segments, 1 of which was “Big Data: Update Talk” where host Owen Yap asked him about his experience filming the Netflix hit series “Vagabond”. During the...