11yo M’sian Almost Becomes OKU After Adopted Mother Abused Him For Doing Housework Too Slowly
Oh no, this is horrible! Adopting a child and welcoming them into your home is never easy as both sides need time to get used to the idea. However, this woman abused her adoptive son so badly that he was almost disabled. The incident happened in Bintulu, and the 36-year-old woman pleaded guilty to the charges in court yesterday (November 19th).

According to Oriental Daily, the boy, who is now 11 years old, was adopted by the woman when he was 8 years old which was when his nightmare started. When he was brought home in January 2016, his adopted mother ordered him to do the housework and would abuse him badly if he did it too slowly or was not thorough enough.
Apparently, she would ask him to wash and dry the clothes, clean the house and any other chores that she would see fit. If she felt that he did not clean the house properly or was too slow while doing the housework, she would punish him severely. She took the pestle and pounded the boy’s fingers with it, used a knife to cut his hands, hit his legs with a wooden stick and a cane to hit his body. WTF, that sounds super painful!

As if this wasn’t enough, she didn’t allow him to go to school as well and didn’t feed him well. He suffered from the abuse for three years before he managed to escape and ran back to his biological father for help on November 5th. At the same time, when his adopted family discovered that he had run away, they also lodged a police report looking for the boy. In the end, his biological father brought his son to the police station on November 8th so that he could expose his adopted mother’s abuse.
The boy was discovered to be suffering from malnutrition, and he was so badly abused that his hands were almost disabled as they had no strength. The doctor said that even with treatment, the chances of recovery are very slim. There were lots of old and new scars all over his body with multiple fractures as well.

The police arrested the adopted parents on the same day along with their daughter and son-in-law. The adoptive father was released but the woman who had been abusing him was sentenced to 24 months in prison after she pleaded guilty. She will also need to perform 120 hours of community service and maintain good behaviour for a year.
The poor boy! We hope that he manages to get through this trauma and grow up to be a wonderful man!
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