Tag - chinese

Zhao Lusi Adopts a Stray Dog

A netizen recently posted a video on social media to tell a story about actress Zhao Lusi who has adopted a stray that they rescued. The netizen said that a friend had found a stray dog last year. Lele, a Rough Collie mix, was very thin and afraid of strangers. Lele became happier by the day but the friend couldn’t...

Dilraba Dilmurat’s “The Long Ballad” Questioned About Historical Accuracy

Dilraba Dilmurat‘s (迪丽热巴) new historical drama, The Long Ballad <長歌行>, premiered on March 31. During filming of the drama, concerns were raised over historical inaccuracy and a group of history-loving netizens released a 41-page paper citing the issues. Adapted from a Chinese manhua by Xia Da (夏達), the story follows female Li Changge (Dilraba Dilmurat), who is the daughter of the...

Tony Yu Jingtian Falls Victim to a Not So Funny Prank After His Flight Check-In Gets Mysteriously Cancelled

Tony Yu Jingtian on Youth with You 3 Talk about going to great lengths to sabotage others. Youth with You 3 contestant Tony Yu Jingtian was recently a victim of a malicious stunt after troublemakers cancelled his flight check-in causing him to miss his flight. The trainee and some of his fellow Youth With You 3 contestants were on...